This one, I am inspired from the new Terminator sequel. Terminator Salvation...
Several times, the character "Marcus" asks whether he is deserve to be given a second chance?
What do you think?
I say YES. Every one deserves a second chance because he/she is still learning. In this life, there is no time to finish learning. "Ancora Imparo" is a sentence from Michaelangelo in his last years of life which means "I am still Learning". Even Michaelangelo, one of the most respected person who had ever lived in this world said that he is still learning. Coincidentally, Ancora Imparo is the sentence at the bottom of my University's logo.
So, making Mistake is a common act because you are still in search of doing the right thing. Any mistake...Small or big mistake are the same...Everyone needs a second chance in condition he/she wants to atone and redeem their own mistakes...
Second chance will produce a better person.
FYI, If you say No, you are refusing to use HONDA, KFC, APPLE, and Johnson&Johnson's products as they have failed once. And you even refuse to use LIGHTING that was found by Thomas A. Edison who have failed almost 1000 times.
So, Will you change your answer?
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